Compensating with a barLog

may 2, 2018

Barometric pressure, often referred to as atmospheric pressure, is a very unstable value affected by weather systems, seasonal changes and diurnal shifts.  It is never a Static Value.  The resulting shift in daily barometric values can be in excess of the equivalent of 30cm or 12” of water.

Heron barLog

If you are monitoring water levels over a period of time, these barometric pressure changes will be reflected in your recorded measurements.  If you do not remove these influencing pressure variations from your data you could falsely identify a draw on your water resources. 

Find out how to compensate against this with the Heron barLog, available from Bell Flow Systems. The Heron barLog is one of our Ground Water Monitoring products featured in our Environmental Monitoring range. BarLog product page.

Read the full article about why you should be using a barLog on the Heron Instruments website.