HIRE of Portable Ultrasonic Flow meter PF330 :: Transit Time NB 13-5000mm

HIRE of Portable Ultrasonic Flow meter PF330 :: Transit Time NB 13-5000mm

SKU: 780-1001-BF-HIRE
Portable Ultrasonic Flow meter - Liquids
Portaflow 330 Kit in Carry Case
A & B Transducers: 13mm to 2000mm OD pipes.
++ Hire per week ++
  • £200.00
  • £240.00 inc VAT


PORTAFLOW 330 :: Clamp-on Portable Ultrasonic Flow meter NB 13-5000mm
Carry Case: - The PF330 is supplied in a hard wearing IP67 carry case.
Flow Range – 0.1m/sec to 20m/sec bi-directional.


Display – 64 x 240 pixels graphic display.
Programming via 16 key control panel.
Battery or mains operation.
Rechargeable battery.
Battery Life – 20 hours from fully charged, depending on load.
Power – 110 – 240VAC +/-10% supply via PSU.
9 user selectable languages including English, German, French, Spanish and Russian!
Accuracy Pipe ID 13-75mm – ±3% of flow reading for flow rate >0.2m/s.
Accuracy Pipe ID > 75mm – ±0.5% to ±2% of flow reading for flow rate >0.2m/s.
CE approved.

‘A’ Transducers:- 13mm OD to 115mm OD pipes.
‘B’ Transducers:- 50mm OD to 2000mm OD pipes.

Transducer Operating Temp:- ‘A’&‘B’ -20°C to +135°C. ‘D’ -20°C to +80°C.
Outputs:- Opto Isolated 0/4 –20mA; RS 232/USB; 5v pulse @ 1 pulse/sec max.
12V DC input supply converter (optional).

Data Logging:- 98,000 data points. Up to 20 named recording blocks. Data displayed locally in text or graph format. Real time or stored. Can be downloaded via RS232 or USB port to Windows based PC.




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