228 PVC Tee Mounted Impeller Range


The 228PV flow sensors from Badger Meter are designed to measure water flow in PVC pipes. These flow sensors consist of a removable, nonmagnetic sensor in a schedule 80 PVC tee with solvent-weld socket end connections. They are available in 1-1/2" to 4" (3.8 to 10.2 cm) sizes.

Badger Meter Impeller flow sensors feature a closed, six-bladed impeller design, using a proprietary, non-magnetic sensing technology. The forward-swept impeller shape provides higher, more constant torque than four-bladed impeller designs, and is less prone to fouling by water-borne debris. The forward-curved shape, coupled with the absence of magnetic drag, provides improved operation and repeatability, even at lower flow rates. As the liquid flow turns the impeller, a low impedance signal is transmitted with a frequency proportional to the flow rate. Sensors of similar type are interchangeable, so there is no need for recalibration after servicing or replacement.

  • 228 Flow Meter - Plastic PVC Tee
    228 Flow Meter - Plastic PVC Tee
    SKU: 8228PV
    228PV Series Impeller Flow Meter -  PVC Tee
    Solvent Weld - BSP - Flanged models 1 1/2" to 4"
    Optimum Measuring range 0.3 - 6.1 m/s
    Pulse Ouput options
    Materials ~ See Options
    £849.02 inc VAT


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