TFX Ultra Clamp-on Ultrasonic Flow Meter Measures up at YMCA

avril 26, 2013

Working in partnership with the Central YMCA, the UK's leading health and fitness charity, Bell Flow Systems have supplied and commissioned TFX clamp-on ultrasonic flow meter from Dynasonics at the largest gym facility in central London.

The application called for a simple, non-intrusive solution to record flow rate and total consumption of fresh water at this six thousand member health centre, where the incoming fresh water pipework serves both the health centre and several business units which are sub metred.

The TFX Ultra was perfectly suited to this task and chosen for it’s simple and reliable clamp-on design which allowed for quick and easy installation to the outside of the existing pipework. This style of flow meter reduces installation time and material costs. In addition to this, the application required a data logging facility for which the SQ2020 logger provided the perfect accompaniment to the TFX Ultra, with it’s 16 universal inputs and data management to MMC/SD card or PC.

The information obtained from this set up now allows the YMCA centre to accurately apportion water usage to the associated business units, each of which have their own sub meters. The centre also plans to use this equipment in the near future to analyse consumption peaks at 30 minute intervals, thus allowing peak flow rate periods to be identified, with the potential of using this information to minimise water usage and make savings.

Picture: (Dynasonics TFX Ultra featuring the standard transducers fitted to 3” inch steel pipework.

The TFX Ultra can be installed and fully operational in minutes. There are no moving parts, so there is no mechanical wear, ensuring a long and service free life. It is also available as an energy flow meter measuring energy usage in BTUs, kW and mW. It is is ideal for retrofit, CHP, chilled water and other HVAC applications.)

The TFX Ultra features a rugged, compact aluminium enclosure, easy-to-read digital display, bi-directional flow measurement and a totalizer showing forward, reverse and net total.  Analogue, frequency and Bacnet or Modbus communications are optionally available.