Dynasonics -DXN Helps Keep Train Performance On Track

lug 21, 2016

Bell Flow Systems were recently asked by a well regarded UK train operating company to supply non-invasive flow meter equipment that could easily be installed to carry out short term tests of oil flows on a number of trains in their fleet.

The client selected our DXN flow meter as it is easily clamped onto the outside of the pipe therefore avoiding the task of breaking the pipework to install a traditional in-line solution. DXN uses ultrasonic technology to gather accurate results 'non-intrusively', which does not require the trains systems to be turned off, which ensures rolling stock down-time is cut to a minimum. Measurement of flow is taken using a pair of clamp-on non-invasive ultrasonic sensors which take over 100 readings per second. The DXN meter benefits from a number of advanced features including a touchscreen interface, wizard-based start-up configuration, USB connectivity and Modbus TCP/IP connectivity.

The DXN portable ultrasonic flow meter from Dynasonics is capable of measuring a variety of liquid flows by employing multiple technologies, including both Doppler and transit time as well as having the capability to measure thermal heat energy using the Heat Meter accessory kit. The advantages of this hybrid technology are that it is able to instantaneously switch between Transit time and Doppler measurement depending on the current fluid properties.